Professionally Equipped Locksmiths
D & M Locksmith Boston
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Residential locksmith

Residential locksmith services are those which consist of a need to have tight security, immediate action, 24/7 reach, re-keying locks, etc. And to have it all, where would one go, then coming to the very own and top quality locksmith than D & M Locksmith Boston? We assure you of the safety of all your family members once you invest your trust in us. We make sure that you get real quick service even at the wee hours of the night when you need us.

Our lockout services

Often it happens, that we get locked out of our own house when we are late partying or in other emergency lockout situations. Of course, we can't avoid partying, but we can surely avoid such unwanted situations. So with our contact number, you can definitely rely on us as we are available 24/7 to reach out to you and help you reach your home. We not just help you with getting you in, but can design an emergency key for you on the spot to save you from such situations next time on. We hope now you know the importance a residential locksmith can hold in your life!

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Lock installations

Whether it's about moving to a new house, or an old one, that you are getting renovated; what is important is to have a modern lock installed in it. With traditional locks, one can't really be safe in the current smart burglary world. So, we provide you with a premium quality of locks to help ensure your safety in your new residential space.

Hire us once, and we are sure to become your forever reliance locksmith because we serve you safety!

D & M Locksmith Boston got your back!
Call now 617-938-3841

Satisfaction Guaranteed!
D & M Locksmith
Hours: Monday through Sunday, all day [map & reviews]
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